- Europe
- Americas
- Asia and Middle East
- Africa and Oceania
Local support is Stäubli's philosophy to serve customers. The Indonesia representative office was established in 2003 in Bandung, West Java, to meet the demand of the textile market.
Today, this office is coordinating activities and support of the Textile, Robotics and the growing significance of the Electrical and Fluid Connectors Division as well.
Electrical and Fluid Connectors
Wide range of standard and specialized quick connectors, with high safety and durability, are used in many demanding and competitive industries such as automotive, railway, plastic, alternative energies, cooling systems and so on.
High performance robots serve in many industrial segment for “collaborative robotics solutions” that support human operators even in difficult, dangerous or repetitive assignments.
With reliability and state of art technology, Stäubli products include weaving preparation, shedding solution, weaving systems and automation solutions for the knitting industry. We contribute to our customers for the better production efficiency and higher fabric quality.