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All over the world, Stäubli is at the service of its customers, providing a fast and efficient after sales support. At the same time, Stäubli machines are designed to never let you down.
The outstanding performance, availability and quality of Stäubli textile machinery ensure that its customers remain competitive and stay ahead of the game. Stäubli is constantly developing new solutions to help weaving mills overcome unpredictable situations. We outline below some of the innovative initiatives that Stäubli has introduced to its customers to reduce maintenance time and increase productivity.
Stäubli machines maintain high speeds in demanding environments. Complementing proven dobby series S3000/S3200, the latest cam motion type S1792 was launched on the market last year with its remarkable high-speed performance in air-jet weaving.
Designed for high performance with benefits for the customers: maintenance-free bearings, reduced maintenance cost and time, less oil and grease usage and increased lifetime.
In the competitive sector of textile manufacturing, any downtime is debilitating. Stäubli creates solutions to increase the availability of machines and make sure that production is uninterrupted.
Examples are:
Stäubli cam motions and rotary dobbies are designed to produce the high-quality fabrics. Stäubli, for example, offers the latest technology in leveling devices that prevent over stretching the warp threads, and start-up marks in the fabric, thus guaranteeing outstanding weaving quality.
In order to keep synthetic oil clean, increase the lifetime of machine parts, and ensure machine reliability, the annual replacement of the Stäubli industrial micro-filter cartridge is strongly recommended.
Regular maintenance of your Stäubli machine as stipulated in the machine guidelines will ensure that your operating equipment always runs at maximum efficiency. The cost of maintenance is very small compared to the expense of a halt in production when a breakdown occurs.
The maintenance program includes general cleaning, dust and fluff removal with compressed air, oil change, filter cleaning and micro-filter cartridge replacement.