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January 15, 2025
Optimize your Weaving Workflows: Meet Stäubli at the 2025 Dhaka international Textile & Garment Machinery Exhibition.
Providing efficient solutions for the textile weaving industry has been Stäubli’s commitment for over a century. Our expertise lies in equipping weaving mills with the right solutions to optimize workflows, from weaving preparation to process optimization.
At Dhakatex 2025, we are pleased to present our wide range of solutions and the benefits they offer. Weaving mills who seek to optimize their production processes can discover:
Stäubli is committed to partnering with weavers at any stage of their weaving processes, ensuring that they benefit from efficient production equipment that guarantees modernization, quality, and sustainability of their weaving mills.
Explore our solutions by visiting our agent Spintex’s stand at Dhakatex and sign up for continuous optimization of your workflows.